====== Drink ====== **Command:** drink **What it does:** This command lets you drink from your literjons, or set the rate at which you drink from the literjons each time. **Usage:** drink OR drink at **Example:** 'drink blue' OR 'drink blue at 5' The rate is how much of a percentage of your literjon you drink per drink command. So 'drink blue at 5' would drink 5% of your literjon per command. Drinking spice helps you in combat, so keep your levels topped up. But beware, drinking too much can put you into a spice coma and you do not want to pass out like this in combat! It is safe to drink up to Spice Level of 100% before risking a coma. **Related commands:** [[guilds:bg:ghelp:literjons|literjons]], [[fill]], [[order]]