====== General: Armouries ====== As of September 11th, 2005, most guilds will have a standard guild armoury, where they can deposit and borrow equipment. Guild officers will have a way of determining who has borrowed what, and who has deposited what. Any guild member can "list" at the armoury room, to see what is in stock. Any guild member with permission can "resize" any or all of their equipment, can "deposit" any or all equipment and can "borrow" an item from the armoury. In addition to the full list you receive by simply typing "list", a player can type 'list armor' to view all armours, 'list weapon' to list all weapons, 'list ' to list all items of that type, or even type 'list ' to view a list of all items with as part of their short or long description. The 'full_armoury' environment variable can be set to remove the message when viewing really long armouries. This should make a few people quite happy. A guild officer can "crackdown" on someone to see what they have borrowed or deposited, or they can locate an item by full or partial name to see who has borrowed items of that type. See inroom commands for details on how to use the commands. Also, some colour options have been added, since I heard a lot of people complaining about my inability to pick colours that match. set 'armoury_odd_a' and 'armoury_odd_b' to define the colourscheme for oddnumbered list numbers, and 'armoury_even_a' and 'armoury_even_b' to define the colourscheme for evennumbered list numbers, and the headers. Legend: B W : Bullet Weapons Crys : Crysknife H 2 H : Hand to Hand S B W : Short Blade Weapons A & M : Axes and Maces L B W : Long Blade Weapons S & O : Staffs and Oaks 2 H W : Two Handed Weapons K & D : Knives and Daggers Th W : Thrown Weapons Wh : Whips Las : Lasers Total : total Helmet : helmet Amulet : amulet L_Arm : left arm Armour : armour L_Foot : left foot Arms : arms L_Hand : left hand Body : body L_Leg : left leg Boots : boots Legs : legs Cape : cape R_Arm : right arm Chest : chest R_Foot : right foot Energy : energetic R_Hand : right hand Exo : exoskeleton R_Leg : right leg Gloves : gloves Ring : ring Head : head Stom : stomach ??? : unknown type