====== Other: Color ====== Rooms: To enable colors in room's description type 'set color_room yes'. To disable this option, type 'unset color_room'. Channels: set channel_color :[, :,...] set channel_output [ ... ] Valid colors modifiers are:\\ off, normal No ANSI formatting\\ bold [] Bold characters\\ blink [] Blinking characters on\\ inverse Inverse characters on\\ underline Make characters underlined Colors are:\\ red, green, blue, brown, yellow, pink, magenta, cyan Valid outputs are for now:\\ llama capitalize all words\\ crystall type like a retarded monkey\\ You can combine outputs by sparating them by a comma.\\ Example:\\ set channel_color chat:brown, servint:bold, wiz:bold red\\ set channel_output llama\\ set channel_output llama, crystall See also: help sound