--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- **QUEST 30** Ra Solar Collection Station --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- ID: scs_ra Points: 10 Planet: Ix Description: The Ixian Orbital Solar Collection Station, Ra has went offline. Travel to the orbital station, bypass it's entrance security and bring its transmitter back online. ===== Getting Started ===== - head to IX AP - go ''up'' - find your way to SCS RA ++++ View Complete Solution (SPOILER ALERT). | ===== Solution ===== __!!! Before traveling to Ra, make sure you buy the following items:__ * Mask - from Tron (ix ap e,n,n,e,s) - kill Tron * Badge - from Guardian Mech -?! (Take transit pod (e,2s,w, push button 2 from AP) to Ventura)) - Guardian mech location from -[ Ventura Transit Station ]- e, 2s, e, 2s. kill Guardian MECH * Palm - from Zevdal ?! he moves around Ventura so search for him and kill him (Take transit pod (e,2s,w, push button 2 from AP) to Ventura)) __(Note: Might need to go to Guild Armoury to resize the mask and hand/palm)__ IX AP ## go up pull lever enter vehicle push button OR IX AP - order imperial to ra * After arriving, RA AP, n, w, kill drone - get plasma torch * From RA AP, n, slide badge, pscan palm, rscan eyes __(make sure to wear mask beforehand)__, enter SCS35Ra * unequip weapons,sit in chair, (You have 5 seconds to proceed north), n * 3nw, 3ne, n, pull table, hatch (if it says you are too big, go out and back into room) * all sw, d, all se, all ne, x lines, reseal cable, d, all sw, actuate panel, twist handle, out, * kill odm * 3n, search generator, prime generator, 2n, x panel, restart power. * Back to lift. Press up, out, w, read data (127-345-002), * 2e, x panel, x controls, x lever, dial 127-345-002, pull lever. * back to lift, press down (all the way), tube, climb ladder * 3ne, up, return to medical bay. Search for a Visitor. He is carrying a SCS-Ra Transit Band (extra large) [0/3] * Kill him and get the band. * Go to the Lifts. //-[ A Corridor ]- -[SCS-RA C3R1] - this room is S, SE, SE from the medical bay. * wave band, say Ring 3 * Find Arclite in the middle of the ring 3, then from Arclite, 2n, 1e, throw switch, 1w, 1s, 1w, throw switch. //You throw the switch and power starts transmitting to the Ixian surface. You have completed the SCS-Ra quest! You feel like you have discovered a point of interest.// To exit: Go back to lifts, wave band, say Ring 1, return to AP ++++