--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- **Quest 3** Covert Spice Operation --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- ID: sabotage_complex Points: 3 Planet: Arrakis Description: The Emperor and the Harkonnens are running a covert spice mining operation on Arrakis in the guise of smugglers in an attempt to produce a secret horde. A BG spy has infiltrated the complex under the smuggler's camp. Find the spy and help her shut the operation down. Starts in Benedict's smuggler area. Go inside and find Rammel. Enter the place he's guarding, go down and you should see some strange paneling. Looking closer you'll find there's a hidden entrance there, and inside there's a spy from the Bene Gesserit. You need to kill one of the workers, one with a certain device, then use that device on the lowest level at various machines in a specific order. There are 4 machines. You cannot sabotage them unless you've offered help to the spy already. Once everything is shut down the quest ends and you get: 3 qp, 100,000 solaris and an improvement to your longblade skill. ++++ View Complete Solution (SPOILER ALERT) | ===== Solution ===== Arr AP: go to Benedict Smuggler Camp (14,113) * enter, 3s, enter, d, s, exa plates, push button, help spy * n, 2e, n, e, d, w, n, w, kill technician, take scanner * w, s, e, scan equipment, 2w, scan equipment * e, operate lift, e, n, e, kill technician, take scanner * e, scan equipment, 2w, 2s, 2e, scan equipment * (take note of how vunerable each set of equipment is - count the number of bars scanned) * sabotage equipment starting from the biggest to the smallest ++++