From ''feelings list'' Verb Short description 8) :You go '8)'. accuse :You point your finger at yourself and say you did it! ack :You ack. admire :You admire yourself. adore :You adore yourself adoringly. afk :You will be Away From the Keyboard for a while. agree :You agree. ah :You finally get the idea into your thick skull and give an 'ah' of comprehension. amen :You go 'Amen, brother'. angel :You hide your wings and goe incognito 0:). ape :You goes ape throwing things. apologize :You apologize. applaud :You applaud. argh :You go 'ARGH !'. arguing :You think arguing on the Internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded. ashield :You wear your AntiSPAM Shield(tm) and set it to the highest setting. ask :You ask:? aspam :You wear your Anti-SPAM Shield(tm) and set it to the highest setting. awesome :You sing and dance 'Everything is Awesome!'. aworm :You jump into a blue sleeping bag and start crawling, shouting "I am the Blue Sandworm !!!". ayak :You yaks, just like Amethyst. ayt :You wave your hand in front of your own face, are you there? ayt2 :You knock yourself on the head saying : Hello? Anyone home? babble :You go 'Eeba eeba eeba eeba'. badmin :You bob up and down, fishing for admin, just like Botzy. bah :You go 'Bah!'. baha :You go 'Bahahahahahahaha'. bahum :You go 'Bah Humbug!'. baja :You go 'Bajajajajajajaja'. bansign :You hold up a sign with the words 'yourself - BAN!' scrawled on it. barf :You barf copiously. bark :You bark doggily. bastard :You go 'Now that's a dirty little bastard!'. bat :You bat your eyes at yourself. bats :You sends a gigantic horde of bats. bbl :You suddenly notice the time and say : Be Back Later! bbl2 :You suddenly notice yourself and say : Be Back Later! bbruce :You knows yourself used a Bruce bot script and got banned just like Shadow. bcry :You scream at yourself in Battle Language and looks evilly at your weapon. beam :You beam proudly. bearhug :You give yourself a Great Big Bonecrusher of a bearhug. beep :You triumphantly beep yourself on the nose. beer :You tosses an ice cold brew. beg :You beg. beware :You go 'Beware of the Penguins'! bgill :You throw your hands up in disgust, point and blame yourself. bimbo :You drool at a poster of 'Bimbo World'. bingo :You shouts "BINGO!". bite :You bite yourself on the neck. blah :You go 'Blah'. blame :You throw your hands up in horror, point and blame yourself. blink :You blink unknowingly. bliss :You say 'Hey yourself, if ignorance is bliss, you must be fucking orgasmic by now!'. blush :You blush. bmreh :You ban yourself quickly, just like Mreh. bob :You bob up and down. bog :You bog at the conc. boggle :You boggle at the concept. bogleg :You bogleg at the concept. bognog :You bognog. bonk :You bonk yourself with a rubber mallet. boogie :You boogie. boom :You go 'Boom'. boomstick :You says "This... is my BOOMSTICK! It's a twelve-gauge double-barreled Remington. Walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger. This baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. You can find it in the sporting goods department. That's right. Shop smart. Shop S-Mart. YOU GOT THAT?!?!" . booze :You gets drunk and does the Monkee's walk. bopple :You bopple yourself on the head. bossguild :You code a guild half-assedly, just like Boss. bounce :You bounce. bow :You bow. brb :You lift up one finger and exclaim : I'll be right back! bs :You go 'BS!!!'. bslap :You bitch slap yourself. bszak :You know Zak is so BS, his butt smells like lillies! bubble :You bubble happily. bud :You go 'You're not getting my 'Bud Light', Jonny.'. buggy :You go 'What does this mean: destructor: *Too long evaluation. Execution aborted.destructor: *Too long evaluation. Execution aborted.destructor: *Too long evaluation. Execution aborted. query_weight: *Too long evaluation. Execution aborted.destructor: *too long evaluation. execution aborted. query_weight: *too long evaluation. Execution aborted ?', just like Tex. burp :You burp rudely. bust :You bust down a beer in a shotgun manoeuvre that would dazzle even Johnny Bravo! byee :You go Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. cackle :You cackle gleefully. caff :You declare that sleep is a poor substitute for caffeine. caress :You caress yourself on the cheek. carma :You play Carmaggedon (R) and terrorize the streets of Milwaukee in your El Lumina. cdrop :You drop Sithlord from a cliff, just like Maverick. cheer :You cheer enthusiastically. cheesehat :You say "Je suis une pomme de terre avec un chapeau de frommage!". chew :You chew on your bottom lip thoughtfully. chill :You chill without breaking a sweat. choo :You run around shouting 'Woo Woo i'm a Choo Choo'. chortle :You chortle wholeheartedly. chuckle :You chuckle politely. clap :You clap. clear :You clear your throat. clint :You morph into Clint Eastwood, grin at yourself and say: Do you feel lucky punk? Well, do ya... PUNK!? cluck :You cluck like a rabid chicken. clue :You need a clue. cmon :You Go "C'Mon Screen... Move". cmon2 :You Go "C'Mon Clock... Move". coded :You find code demons moving yourself around the Mud. coke :You tosses an ice cold coca-cola. comfort :You comfort yourself. complain :You complain. conc :You conc at the bog. congratulate :You congratulate yourself. conspiracy :You go 'It's a fucking conspiracy!'. cookie :You stuff a cookie in your own mouth. cool :You go 'Coolies'. coolio :You go 'Coolio'! cough :You cough noisily. cower :You cower in terror. cracker :You think the cheese has finally fallen off your own cracker. cringe :You cringe in terror. crisco :You play Naked Crisco Twister(tm) with yourself. cry :You cry. cuddle :You cuddle yourself. cuervo :You do a double shot of Jose Cuervo straight up. curse :You curse. curtsey :You curtsey. damn :You go 'Damnation!'. dance :You dance. daydream :You slip into a daydream. dclutch :You double clutch your twin-turbo diesel Diamond-T, just like Clutch. dduck :You dance the disco duck. dear :You go 'Yes, dear'... dflex :You flex your desting fingers. die :You go 'die die die'. diepeace :You want to die peacefully in your sleep like your Grandpa did, rather than screaming like the passengers in his car. disagree :You disagree. doff :You dapperly doff your hat, quite unlike Pic. doh :You go 'Doh!'. doo :You go 'Doobie, Doobie, Doo'... downgrade :You go 'Downgrade!', just like Iolai. drag :You tie yourself with a rope by the neck and drag you with a jeep around Arrakis ridges. drip :You drip soggily. drool :You drool hungrily. druss :You walk along the Champs Elysees and suddenly go: "Ouch !!!". duck :You duck down and attempt to hide. ducl :You ducl down and attempt to type properly. dude :You go 'Dude!'. duh :You smack yourself in the head for being stupid. dwar :You declare war. eek :You eek. eep :You eep. eh :You go 'Eh?'. ehayt :You exclaim: Hayt is banished! ember :You sneak off with Catia to get 'an ember out of your eye'. etc :You go 'Etc'. eww :You eww in disgust. excuse :You excuse yourself. exhale :You exhale sharply. facepalm :You facepalm. fack :You fucking ack. faint :You faint. fap :You fap repeatedly. fart :You fart. fartg :You fart in your own general direction. fatfuck :You go 'You're such a fat fuck yourself that when you walk down the street people go: God Damnit! That's such a BIG FAT FUCK!'. fbog :You fucking bog. fear :You shiver with fear. feh :You go 'feh' which makes no sense, but hey. ffear :You fucking fear. fgrumble :You fucking grumble. fheh :You go 'Fucking Heh'. firstcmd :You recite 'Thou shalt use smart triggers, but not too smart.'. five :You give yourself a high five. fjack :You freakin laf like Jack Nicholson. flaf :You fucking laf. flagwave :You wave a flag excitedly that reads: Yay! flex :You flex your muscles. flip :You flip head over heels. flirt :You flirt shamelessly. flog :You flog yourself ruthlessly. flutter :You flutter your eyelids. fondle :You fondle yourself. fourthcmd :You recite 'Thine wizards shall not code useless areas, not login for many weeks and expect a promotion.'. frag :You frag ferociously. freak :You gets all freak nasty on yourself! freebase :You grab some melange dust and smoke it in a dirty, glass pipe. french :You give yourself a REAL kiss, it seems to last forever. frog :You frog. frown :You frown. fstamp :You stamp your feet like a 4 year old, having a temper tantrum over trivialities. ftw :You go 'For the win!!'. ftw2 :You go 'Fuck the what?!?'. fuck :You go 'Don't say fuck any more because fuck is the worst word that you can say!'. fume :You fume. fyg :You fyg. gag :You gag horribly. gameban :You ban yourself after a knowingly stupid comment designed only to force argument with the wizard, just like Kbl. gasp :You gasp in astonishment. gbear :You eat a gummy bear from yourself's cleavage. gbounce :You jump around like a gorilla wearing panties one size too small. gcomp :You compile a driver and lag the mud, just like Genesis. geek :You call yourself a 'Geek'! ghome :You go 'Ok that does it....Screw you guys, I'm going home'. giggle :You giggle merrily. gilkick :You make Gilligan drink 10 beers while beating him in Air hockey. gir :You is going to sing the Doom Song now, just like GIR! girn :You girn lively. glare :You glare stonily. glass :You give yourself a warm glass of SHUT THE HELL UP!!! gogogo :You go 'MAKE PORTAR GOGOGO!!!'. grab :You grab your own behind. greet :You wave in greeting. grgrin :You grin evilly :), just like Graham. gridle :You go idle without warning for long periods of time. grimace :You make an awful face. grin :You grin evilly. gripe :You gripe yourself. groan :You groan. grok :You grok contemplatively. groovy :You go 'Groovy'! grope :You grope yourself. grovel :You grovel. growl :You growl. grr :You go 'Grr!'. grumble :You grumble. grumpf :You grumpf. grunt :You grunt. gsauron :You code a half-completed guild, just like Sauron. gurgle :You gurgle. gwarm :You pull your own hair out and run around yelling: it's global warming, it's global warming, just ask Al Gore. hack :You go 'shut up i hack you!'. hair :You run your fingers through your own hair. har :You go 'har har har har'. harrumph :You harrumph. harumph :You go 'harumph!'. hate :You hate yourself. hateship :You go 'I hate my ship I hate my ship I hate my ship I hate my ship I hate my ship I hate my ship', just like Tantza. hbow :You bows his head solemnly at yourself. heel :You tell yourself to heel NOW! hef :You go 'hef' which makes even less sense, but hey. heh :You go 'Heh'. hehe :You go 'Hehehehehehehehe'. helloo :You go Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. hellyeah :You scream 'HELL YEAH!!!'. hiccup :You hiccup. hide :You hide behind yourself. hip :You go 'Hip Hip Hurray!'. hit :You hit yourself in the face. hkiss :You bend down on your knees and kiss yourself tenderly on the hand. hmm :You hmm. hmmm :You hmmmmmmm. hmmmm :You hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. hmmmmm :You hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. hnog :You send out a few hard nogs. hold :You hold yourself in your arms. howl :You howl in pain. hrm :You hrm. hrmbaja :You hrm, then spontaneously go 'Bajajajajajajaja'. hug :You hug yourself. huggle :You huggle yourself affectionately. huh :You look up with a startled expression and say : Huh? hula :You wear a grass skirt, and does the hula. hum :You hum a merry tune. hush :You hush yourself. idiot :You call yourself a 'Fucking Idiot'! ignore :You ignore yourself. ikiss :You go: lambda( ({ 'me }), ({ #'kiss, ({ #'find_player, ({ #'lower_case, "yourself" }) }), "on the nose" }) ), just like Iria. indeed :You go 'Indeed'. inhale :You inhale gently. invasion :You go 'Invasion Please !'. iokiss :You go: lambda( ({ 'me }), ({ #'kiss,.... How did it go anyway? iriah :You go : 'Iriahahahahahahahahah !!!'. irify :You Irifies yourself. irock :You go 'Fear me I rock'. jacurutu :You go 'Jacurututututututututu!'. jesus :You go 'Jesus!'. jewsus :You go 'Jewsus!', just like Iolai. jskate :You can see yourself, skating away on the thin ice of a new day, just like Temujin. jump :You jump up and down in aggravation. kcurse :You curse your @*&^%! keyboard. keel :You keel over backwards slowly. kenny :You go 'Oh my God! They killed Kenny!'. kewl :You go 'Kewlies'! kick :You kick yourself hard. kickass :You go 'Kickass!'. killed :You go 'Oh my God! They killed yourself! Those bastards!!'. king :You think that it is good to be the King just like Kbl. kiss :You kiss yourself. kissa :You bend over and kisses your own ass goodbye. knee :You knee yourself where it hurts. kneel :You fall on your knees. laag :You calls upon the great worm of Arrakis to swallow up the lag monster. laf :You laf. lag :You say: Experiencing the lag!!! lampshade :You put a lampshade on your own head and declare the party started. lapdance :You sit on Sithlord's lap and gets him wet. lapdance2 :You gets Jasmine wet. larf :You recall how we larfed. laugh :You laugh. ldance :You give yourself a lap dance for a small fee. ldays :You wave and say 'Later days!'. leep :You go 'Eeeep!'. leer :You leer. leeroy :You shout "LEEEEEEROY JENKINNNNNNS!!!" and charge into battle. lfear :You live in fear. lick :You lick yourself. lieoff :You turn your lie mode OFF. lieon :You turn your lie mode ON. like :You like yourself. listen :You listen. lol :You laugh out loud. love :You love yourself. lsit :You sit on your own lap. luf :You peer at yourself and go "Lighten up Francis!". magic :You use your evil magic to force yourself to add an emote, just like Mystique. maim :You pull out a 9mm silenced beretta and brutally begins shooting yourself in the gut and knees, watching in sheer delight while the useless pulp writhes in pain on the ground before him. mbeo :You pull out a 50 Cal Beowulf and brutally shoots yourself in the head blowing it clean off. mchris :You wishes Merry Christmas. mcookie :You buys some dough, slams yourself's face into it, and bakes monster cookies. mduck :You call yourself a 'Mud Duck'! meep :You go : Meep ! Meep ! meh :You go 'Meh'. melt :You melt. meme :You go 'Mememememememememe !!!'. mental :You like your own mental state. meow :You meow sweetly. mercy :You say to yourself : 'That was the most insanily idiotic thing I've ever heard... At no point in your incoherent rambling did you even come close to anything resembling a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having heard it... I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul'... mercy2 :You beg yourself for mercy. mex :You drives a phat Ford pickup flanked by 3 chicks. mfear :You take a moment to fear yourself. mflog :You flog yourself with a marshmallow stick. mgd :You pour a tall, frosty mug of MGD for yourself and slide it down the bar, just like Tapper. midnight :You exclaim : Getting up at midnight is normal, ask Genesis. mischan :You go 'mischan' just like Paradox. mischan2 :You go 'mischan' unlike Paradox. mk :You go 'Mmmkay.'. moan :You moan. moo :You go 'Moo', just like Benedict. moon :You whips down your pants and shows a full moon. moron :You call yourself a 'Babbling Moron'! moses :You go 'Moses!', just like Iolai. mosh :You mosh violently. mpeople :You go 'kickass more people !!!'. muah :You let out a rip roaring Muahahahahahahaha!!! mumble :You mumble. mutter :You mutter. myemote :You whine about getting an emote with your name in it. myemotetoo :You whine about getting an emote with your name in it, just like yourself. nads :You kick yourself in the nads. nail :You goes, "You hit the nail RIGHT on the head.". narf :You go 'Narf!'. nasty :You go 'Nasty!'. nay :You shake your head and decry 'Naaaaaaay!'. newb :You think yourself is a complete and utter newbie. nibble :You nibble on your own ear. nig :You nig. noban :You hope that being the biggest moron on the planet will somehow help yourself avoid getting banished. nod :You nod. noddle :You noddle solemnly. nodnod :You nodnod noddingly. noemote :You doesn't want an emote with your name in it. noemotetoo :You doesn't want an emote with your name in it, just like yourself. nofear :You has no apparent fear of yourself whatsoever. nog :You nog. nogged :You go 'Nogged'. noggle :You noggle. nogleg :You nogleg. not :You go 'Not!'. np :You go 'No problem'. nudge :You nudge yourself. nuzzle :You nuzzle noses with yourself. nyg :You nyg. ofc :You go "Of course.". ogg :You ogg. oh :You look blank and say 'oh'. ok :You go 'Ok'. old :You say to yourself: You kill monsters like old people fuck, do you know that? omelette :You think yourself is a few eggs short of a western omelette. omg :You go 'OMG!!'. omw :You go 'OMW!'. one :You type one-handed. oops :You wince and go 'Oops...'. oopsie :You look around guiltily and go 'Oopsie'. oshit :You go '0|-| 5|-|1+', just like Hazard. oskool :You is oldskool just like Dayakin. ouch :You go 'Ouch!'. pale :You turn white as ashes. palma :You pimp yourself on the street, just like Alma. pant :You pull up your pants. pants :You whips down yourself's pants! parade :You think yourself is two floats short of a parade. pat :You pat yourself on the head. patronize :You patronize yourself , patting him on the head. pchild :You go: "I play with children", just like Maverick. pdoll :You hand yourself a plastic doll from a sex shop, just like Desdemona. peer :You peer at yourself. pfm :You sing 'Welcome to the Machine' just like Hayt. phew :You wipe your brow saying : Phew! phyl :You go 'Proceed with the chlorophyll!!!'. picnic :You think yourself is a few sandwiches short of a picnic. pin :You pin the tail on your own butt. pinch :You pinch yourself. plop :You plop down on your own lap. pnoid :You get all paranoid and kick your own arse while running towards the nearest exit, just like Mystique. poetryed :You type 'ed' and crash the MUD. point :You point. poke :You poke yourself in the ribs. pond :You throw yourself into a nearby pond. ponder :You ponder over some problem. ponderat :You ponder questioningly at yourself. pounce :You pounce yourself playfully. pout :You pout. powindah :You go 'Dieeeeeeee, powindah!', just like Amoukl. promvex :You express an exasperated vexation caused by the malfunctioning contrivances of Prometheus. proposition :You fall to your knees and proposition yourself. prove :You say to yourself : I didn't do it, I didn't see it, I wasn't even there, you can't prove a thing! ptfbl :You go 'PTFBLPTFBLBLPTFPTFBLFLBL'. pucker :You pucker up ready for a kiss. puff :You puff puffingly. puke :You puke on yourself. punch :You punch yourself in the eye. puppy :You look at yourself with your puppy dog eyes. purr :You purr. puzzle :You look puzzled. quack :You quack quackingly. quiver :You quiver excitedly. qwerty :You run your fingers along the keyboard. raise :You raise an eyebrow. rbot :You wave your arms around shouting 'DANGER, WILL ROBINSON!'. recoil :You recoil with fear. rest :You sit down on a nearby rock and rest for a while. right :You go 'Right...'. rightous :You go Rightous Dude!!! rlag :You wave your arms over your head in slow motion groaning "l a g". roar :You roar loudly. rock :You rock. rofl :You roll around in a fit of laughter. rogert :You goes: Roger that, over and out. roll :You roll your eyes to the ceiling. rpoint :You point at Ramses (groovy), and accuse him of torturing us with all these silly soul commands. rtfm :You tell yourself to "Read the Fucking Manual!". rub :You rub yourself. ruffle :You ruffle your own hair. salute :You salute yourself. satellite :You say: yourself! There's an eighty foot satellite dish sticking out of your ass! say :You say: nothing. schblam :You go 'Schblam'. schuckle :You explode in uncontrollable, satanic laughter. schwing :You go "Schwing!". scold :You scold yourself for being naughty. scowl :You scowl. scratch :You scratch yourself on the head. scream :You scream loudly. sea :You float out to sea. secondcmd :You recite 'Thou shalt have only one MUD, DuneMUD, and no others.'. seye :You pierces yourself 's eye with your fingernail. sgas :You suck your gasoline down & spits hell fire at yourself, just like Rekur. shake :You shake your head. shakefist :You shake your fist. sheep :You go 'I love sheeeeeeeeeps'. shiver :You shiver from the cold. shrug :You shrug. shudder :You shudder uncontrollably. sigh :You sigh. sike :You sikes out yourself with a fake injury, then clobbers you with a pillow. silly :You run around in a silly costume, waving a rubber sword in the air. silly2 :You add silly soul commands, just like Genesis. sing :You sing. siteban :You siteban yourself after a bogus interrogation designed only to force a wrong answer, just like Genesis. skyhigh :You PoGo SkY-HiGH. slap :You slap yourself in the face. sleep :You sleep at the keyboard quietly. slobber :You slobber all over yourself. slove :You love sheep. slurp :You suck your shot down & spits, just like Jasmine. smack :You smack yourself. smile :You smile happily. smirk :You smirk. smooch :You smooch yourself. smuck :You think yourself ain't so smuckin' fart. snap :You snap your fingers. snarl :You snarl. sneeze :You sneeze loudly. snicker :You snicker. sniff :You sniff. snigger :You snigger jeeringly. snooze :You snooze gently. snore :You snore. snort :You snort derisively. snuggle :You snuggle up to yourself affectionately. sob :You sob. spam :You load your SPAM Gun(tm) and fire a wad. spank :You spank yourself on the butt. spare :You think having 2 billion spare experience and doing nothing with it is cool. spend :You think spending 2 billion experience in two seconds is cool. spewg :You spew your shot of Goldschlager all over yourself. spit :You spit on yourself. squeal :You squeal like a naughty school girl. squeeze :You squeeze yourself fondly. ssweet :You goes "Sweeeeet.". stare :You stare. sterile :You says to yourself, "For the good of the species, may you never reproduce.". stifle :You stifle a giggle fit. stomp :You stomp your foot. straddle :You straddle yourself. strain :You ride the soul train : Peep Peep. strangle :You strangle yourself. stroke :You stroke yourself on the cheek. strut :You strut proudly. sts :You get the screaming thigh sweats. stupid :You look stupid. sulk :You sulk in the corner. surprise :You surprise yourself. sway :You Sway Gently From Side To Side. sweat :You sweat. sweet :You go 'Sweet!'. swing :You swing. taboo :You rocks at Taboo (R). tackle :You tackle yourself to the ground. taco :You think yourself is a few tacos short of a combination plate. tap :You tap your foot impatiently. taunt :You point at yourself and exclaim "Go away or I will taunt you for second time!". tetris :You slam a column down the line you've been saving and shout "T-TETRIS!!!". thank :You thank yourself. think :You think carefully. thirdcmd :You recite 'Thou shalt not abuse a bug and claim it was just an old bot script.'. thumb :You suck your thumb. tickle :You tickle yourself. tip :You tip your hat to yourself. today :You go 'T-Ta-T-Today Junior'! toke :You toke deeply. tongue :You stick your tongue out. tonk :You slam your cards down on the table and scream "Fuck you all!". trediak :You complain that you can't kill [insert big mob's name here] on his second day in the guild. trout :You call yourself a 'Fucking Trouthead(tm)!'. tsexy :You think yourself is sexy, just like Carmelapple. tsk :You go 'Tsk tsk tsk'. tthink :You think so hard, smoke comes out of your ears. tubby :You has a little yellow telletubby. turtle :You ride the turtle, just like Tink. tut :You tut disapprovingly. tweety :You goes freakin 'a' tweety. twiddle :You twiddle your thumbs. twirl :You twirl your hair with your index finger. tyep :You kan't seam tew tyep tiwday. typod :You exclaim : Did you see that. A huge typo demon took my keyboard! uaccuse :You accuse yourself of being 'The Unabomber'! ug :You ug in disgust. ugh :You ugh in disgust. unfear :You unfear. upspam :You think that yourself is a useless piece of spam(tm). utter :You utter:. violin :You grab your imaginary violin and start playing for yourself. votedune :You remind all to vote for Dune at! wait :You wait patiently. wana :You stare at yourself and say : We are not amused! warren :You point at yourself and yell: "you was MASTURBATING!!!". watch :You watch the surroundings carefully. water :You swears to take your own water before the day begins. wave :You wave happily. wazzup :You go 'Wazzuuup!'. wedgie :You grabs yourself by the pants and gives yourself a huge wedgie. wha :You go 'Whhaaaaaaaaaa?'. whee :You go 'WHEEEEEEEEEE!'. whew :You go 'WHEW!!!'. whimper :You whimper pathetically. whine :You whine. whip :You crack your whip and beckon seductively at yourself, just like Cookie. whistle :You whistle appreciatively. wibble :You wibble violently. wiggle :You wiggle your bottom. wii :You go 'Wiiiiiiiiiii!'. wince :You wince painfully. wink :You wink knowingly. witch :You point at yourself and yell "you's a witch! Burn you!". wobble :You wobble yourself. wolf :You look yourself up and down and whistle sexily at your physique. wonder :You wonder. woo :You go : Woo Woo. woot :You go "Woot!" excitedly. worm :You fly into the air shouting 'I am a Sand Worm!'. worship :You worship yourself. wrap :You wrap your arms around yourself. wtf :You go 'What the fuck?!?'. wtf2 :You go 'What the fark(tm)?!?'. wth :You go 'What the heck?!?'. wtype :You pReTeND tO Be aBLe To tyPE muCH MorE WidLy THan Llama. xeyes :You cross your eyes inanely. xyzzy :You think that they are playing some dumb, archaic adventure game. yadda :You go 'Yadda Yadda Yadda'. yawn :You yawn. yay :You wave a little flag and exclaim 'Yay!'. ydm :You point at yourself and go "You Da Man!". ydw :You point at yourself and go "You Da Woman!". yell :You yell in a high pitched voice. yes :You go 'Yes, and'??? zag :You zag. zig :You zig. zigzag :You zigzag. zing :You go "Zing!". zomg :You go 'ZOMG!!1'. zonk :You zonk out. zort :You go 'Zort!'.