Guild Score Card (GS)

Syntax: 'gs'

                        Guild Stats                         
   Guild Status:           Honored Matre
   Combat Form:            Resheph     
   Focus:                  Healing     
   Nervature:              Fat
   Wraps:                  18
   Gexp:                   38517
   Fatigue:                [----------]
   Stress:                 [|---------]
   Intensity:              [|||||||||-]
  • Guild Status - Your guild rank as determined by 'ghelp titles'.
  • Combat Form - Your current combat form.
  • Focus - Your current combat focus setting.
  • Nervature - Your current nervature setting.
  • Wraps - The number of wraps you currently have.
  • Gexp - Your current gexp available to spend.
  • Fatigue - A graphical representation of your Fatigue level. In the example, fatigue is at roughly 0%.
  • Stress - A graphical representation of your Stress level. In the example, stress is at roughly 10%.
  • Intensity - A graphical representation of your Intensity level. In the example, fatigue is at roughly 90%.
  • Combo - Your current Flurry combination, which is set with combo. This will display even if you are not in Flurry form.