====== Defense Bonus ====== Guild Stat **Based On:** Precognition, Speed, Guild Level, Dexterity, Morale, Dermis Defense_Bonus is a stat that adds a percentage to your base chance to defend yourself. What this means is that if you have a 100 defense_bonus and a 10% base chance to defend, you will gain an additional 10% chance to defend. All incoming damage will passively be reduced by a percentage equal to your defense_bonus. If your defense_bonus is 50, all incoming damage will be reduces by 50%. This will also make your active defensive abilities stronger. See Also: Honor, Enhance_bonus, Success_bonus, [[guilds:speakers:skills:cooldown-bonus|Cooldown_bonus]], [[guilds:speakers:skills:cost_bonus|Cost_bonus]], [[guilds:speakers:skills:heal_bonus|Heal_bonus]].