====== Connecting to Dune Securely with TinTin++ ======
DUNE and TinTin+ + both support [[https://www.cloudflare.com/en-ca/learning/ssl/transport-layer-security-tls/|Transport Layer Security (TLS)]].
Connections to Dune using TLS are encrypted so that your password and other data are secure at all times. By contrast, when you connect to Dune on the **telnet** port (//6789//), there is no encryption and your password and all other data are transmitted insecurely over the internet.
**If you're using TinTin++ there's no reason to use the telnet port! Choose the secure port (//6788//) instead!!**
===== How to Connect Securely =====
* In your TinTin++ config, instead of creating a profile for Dune using the ''#session'' command, use the ''#ssl'' command.
* Change: #session {name} {host} {port}
* To: #ssl {name} dunemud.net 6788
That's it! By simply using ''#ssl'' and port ''6788'' you'll be connecting securely!