Welcome to the Fish Speakers guild! Let's start off with a few commands worth noting:

You will automatically gain Guild Levels when you have the necessary guild experience. You gain guild experience by using your guild abilities in battle.

At Guild Level 25, you will be assigned an NPC companion. You can control this companion with the 'companion' command.

At Guild Level 100, you can choose between three professions : Warrior, Medic, and Scout.

Each profession will give your character a new dimension, and add plenty of new abilities.

The channel you will use to communicate with your guild mates is 'speakers'.

Try typing

             speakers hello fishy friends!

Once you've joined the Fish Speaker guild, you can access the guild hall easily by autopiloted ornithopter. The syntax below will take you directly there.

             s;;e;;e;;e;;e;;e;;pad;;enter orni;;takeoff

When you land, simply type 'enter' and you will be at the entrance to the city of Onn. From there go:


Fish Speaker Guild Layout

Reading the room descriptions will let you know what you can do in each room. If you get stuck though, just ask in Speakers chat!