–=–=–=–=–=–=–=–=–=–= QUEST 10 Duke's Sword Stolen –=–=–=–=–=–=–=–=–=–
ID: thief_stash
Points: 1
Planet: Caladan
Some thieves have stolen Duke's sword. Seek out their cave and find the spy
the Duke sent to retrieve his property.
Quest starts on Caladan, all west from AP. Stay away from the pool shark, instead keep going west, there's a climbable cliff or something. Exploring there you'll find some bushes and a cave system with a pushable button that takes you into the lair of some smugglers. To the northwest behind another pushable switch or button is the spy, his instructions are pretty straight forward.
Completion grants you 300k solaris and 1 qp.
View Complete Solution (SPOILER ALERT)
From Caladan AP:
All w, there exa footholds, climb down, move bush
all s , there exa walls….
Push button, there go untill a room with all 4 dirs
go e, till s, there kill both guard
go all s, kill the guy, get diary, read diary
n,n,e, kill guard
e, exa panel, enter code from diary
the second storage room is on the way from the guy with diary to the guard, look in all rooms, in the room with a panel in desc, (in the diary you will have 2 codes),
from there go back in the room with all 4 dirs, go w, till you can go n,
there find a room with a lever,
pull lever
Spy exclaims: Fantastic! The Duke's scabbard!
Spy exclaims: Astounding! You have found all three items!
Spy exclaims: You brought me everything I needed to finish my mission! Thank you!
The spy rummages through her possessions.
Spy says: Here, please take this as my thanks to you.