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House Harkonnen Guild GMCP

Harko guild information is sent in the Char.Guild modules and several dedicated submodules.

Submodule Content
Char.Guild.Stats General Information
Char.Guild.Skills Trainable Guild Skills Information
Char.Guild.Bloodthirst Bloodthirst Information
''Char.Guild.Rage' Battlerage Information
“Char.Guild.Slices” Edible slices information.
“Char.Guild.Drugs” Drugs information.

Details below.


Data Field Description
“GuildLevel” Your guild level.
“Gexp” Your current guild experience.
“NextGuildLevelCost” Cost in gexp for next glvl.
“GuildStatus” Guild leadership office, if any.
“Rank” Guild rank title.


The data fields are the trainable guild skills. The values are the respective skill levels.


Data Field Description
“Status” Is bloodthirst Active, Ready, or Cooldown.
“Streak” Current bloodthirst streak.


Data Field Description
“Status” Is battlerage Active, Ready, or Cooldown.
“BriefRage” On or Off.


Data Field Description
“HowMany” How many slices you're carrying.
“Satiation” Current satiation level.


The data fields are the names of the drugs you may inject. The values are Active, Ready, or Cooldown.