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guilds:matres:ghelp:soostones [2021/06/26 18:05] – created - external edit [2024/08/25 22:12] (current) – [Description] lytol
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 =====Description===== =====Description=====
-The clothing the guild provides (starting with a brown tunic) has soostone slots. Whatever stones you have attached to your clothing are the stones that are actively affecting you. When you use the "**soostone**" command, you get this menu:+The clothing the guild provides (starting with a brown tunic) has soostone slots. Whatever stones you have attached to your clothing are the stones that are actively affecting you. When you use the "**soostones**" command, you get this menu:
    `.'*`-----------------'*`.'*`.'*`.'*`.'*`-----------------'*`.'    `.'*`-----------------'*`.'*`.'*`.'*`.'*`-----------------'*`.'