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guilds:sard:main [2022/06/13 19:32] – created paradoxguilds:sard:main [2023/10/19 09:16] (current) – [Index of ingame help topics] payne
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 ====== Sardaukar Guild ====== ====== Sardaukar Guild ======
-This is a placeholder.+The Sardaukar guild is one that gives you the opportunity to be a part of the Imperium's most elite army, combining martial discipline, technical prowess, and cunning savagery in battle. There are no longer any prerequisites to joining, nor are there any quotas to be maintained, so you may enlist right at level 1 if you wish. You will have to prove yourself with minimal tools at your disposal until player level 10, at which point you can (and should) choose one of two subguilds, which will thereafter shape your gameplay: 
 +===== Warrior ===== 
 +The Sardaukar Warriors are a subguild that revolve around melee weaponry, including but not limited to every type of bladed weapon available, which they can master to a higher degree than nearly any other. They use the 'berserk' mechanic to shrug off enemy attacks, and are optimized for fighting multiple enemies at once. The Warrior subguild has two further divisions: those who use a single weapon, benefiting from much higher defensive capability, and those who dual wield, benefiting from much higher offensive power. Much like your choice of subguild, the choice of single weapon or dual weapon is a permanent one, so consider carefully before committing. 
 +===== Assassin ===== 
 +Sardaukar Assassins, while still capable of wielding a limited number of weapon types, are more focused on unleashing devastating martial arts combinations that each Assassin designs and practices. Combos are comprised of many different types of punches and kicks, and become longer and more elaborate as the Assassin grows. Optimized for one-on-one dueling, Assassins can unleash terrifying amounts of damage with a combination of stealth advantage and well-designed martial arts combos. However, Assassins have far lower defensive capabilities than their Warrior counterparts, and are strictly limited in what types of equipment they can use, putting more reliance on their raw physical capabilities. 
 +===== Guild Information - from ingame files ===== 
 +The Imperial Sardaukar guild is a harsh, unforgiving guild. Only the toughest humans will be able to survive the harsh conditions faced in the Sardaukar guild. If you decide to try to join, you will be subjected to a test of your skills and power. This test is designed to weed out potential weak members. If you take this test and fail, you will never be allowed in the guild. Be sure to be prepared. 
 +In addition to the difficulty of joining, it is a very difficult guild to maintain strength and power in. Sardaukar are required to fight and earn cash for House Corrino. If you do not meet your cash and kill quotas, you will be subject to harsh penalties. 
 +The Sardaukar are seasoned warriors who do not know the meaning of 'flee' As a Sardaukar you will not be able to use a high wimpy. In addition, you will be mandatorily set to playerkiller after a certain guild level. You will be hated by all and hunted by all. 
 +The Sardaukar guild consists of the main guild and several sub guilds. As a Sardaukar you get the chance to join one, and only one, of these subguilds. Each subguild has its own benefits, penalties, and difficulties, on top of the requirements you must meet for the main guild. 
 +Make no mistake, the Imperial Sardaukar are the most powerful members of the Dune community, but before deciding to join make sure you can pay the upkeep. Have plenty of spare experience and several million spare solaris available to spend immediately after joining the guild, or you'll regret it. 
 +You may never leave the guild after joining. 
 +===== Index of ingame help topics ===== 
 + (available to a level 1 Sard) 
 +-=[HEADQUARTERS]=- The following commands are available for you to get guild help on: 
 +|add             |delete          |desecrate       |focus           |gbug   
 +|ghelp           |gidea          | gsave           |gtrack           
 +|gwho          |locations      |meditate        |mysrank          
 +|shelp          |spretitle       |srace           |stats            
 +|swho           |transport       |vent            
 +-=[HEADQUARTERS]=- In addition you may get help on: 
 +|archenemies     |commands        |enhancements    |gexp            
 +|history         |quotas          |subguilds       |training  
 +**Neunsteine' Sardaukar Newbie Guide** (WIP) 
 +Welcome to the Elites, the path will be neither easy nor quick, and secrecy is of upmost importance. However, I will do my best to make your way easier, though I will not provide any information that spy could not acquire within moments. 
 +Phase Zero Training: 
 +Unlike in the past you can now join the Sardaukar at level 1, but before you join there are some things you can do: 
 +-Finish the tutorial quest for the free level. 
 +-Choose Knives and Daggers, Hand to Hand, Block, and Dodge as your first four free skills. 
 +-The dropship will not take you directly to Salusa, I suggest going to Wallach to get some buffs (if available) and then head to Salusa from there. 
 +Phase One Training: 
 +Now that you have finished the preparations, and have come to join the guild, it is time to type ghelp and read everything available to you. It is important to realize that in the past Sardaukar was built around higher level players joining, so your first steps should be this: 
 +-Type focus 1, seriously, if you don't do this you will be a wad of cookie dough. 
 +-The first priority for xp is to level up to 10 so you can choose either Assassins or Warriors as your subguild, it is very important to pick one as soon as possible.  
 +-Ignore training your gskills and save all your xp for leveling up. 
 +-Just save your solaris you will need it later, no need to buy anything yet. 
 +-I have found STR to be the most important stat, with CON DEX and QUI being secondary (in that order), though you do need some INT and WIS as well. 
 +Phase Two Training: 
 +Now that you have a subguild, read more ghelp files that have become available to you and the board for your particular subguild. You should immediately feel a little stronger but not quite strong enough, so here is what to do about that next: 
 +-Now that you are level 10, you will finally have access to transport, i suggest your first location be the roof of the guild, you will get more locations as you level up. 
 +-Ignore gskills still, and level up until you can make over a million exp an hour. 
 +-Check ghelp commands every 5 or 10 glevels for new commands. 
 +-Don't bother spending solaris on anything in the guild besides enhancements starting with musculature and then nervature. 
 +-Once you are strong enough to get a decent flow of xp and solaris then it is time to start training up your gskills, the helpfile says try to keep them even, you might agree or disagree to your own peril but it is your own choice. 
 +-After you have trained your gskills up to a level where is becomes an absolute grind to raise them more, then it is time to start raising your subguild skills. 
 +This is the best advice I can give you to help you succeed without revealing the secrets contained within the Sardaukar, good luck, try not to die making the rest of us look bad.