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guilds:speakers:warriors [2021/06/26 18:05] – created - external edit [2025/02/11 18:44] (current) – Reformatted it for better readability only shippai
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 -- Written by Leondal / Nightshade -- -- Written by Leondal / Nightshade --
-The Fish Speaker Warrior is a heavy fighter with solid defense and offense. This is a good subguild\\ +The Fish Speaker Warrior is a heavy fighter with solid defense and offense. This is a good subguild 
-to pick if you like the concept of causing bleeds and having individually hard-hitting guild attacks.\\+to pick if you like the concept of causing bleeds and having individually hard-hitting guild attacks.
-As a Warrior, you have access to the Carnage skill, which will increase your bleed damage and bleed\\ +As a Warrior, you have access to the Carnage skill, which will increase your bleed damage and bleed 
-duration. This allows you to stack up a lot of bleeds. The number of bleeds you can have on the target\\ +duration. This allows you to stack up a lot of bleeds. The number of bleeds you can have on the target 
-is equal to 10 + GUILD_LEVEL / 10. Bleeds are incredibly important for the warrior because they give\\ +is equal to 10 + GUILD_LEVEL / 10. Bleeds are incredibly important for the warrior because they give 
-you two health for every bleed every combat round, and also give you gexp per bleed.\\+you two health for every bleed every combat round, and also give you gexp per bleed.
-As far as weapons, I would highly suggest you begin by using Sword Stance with long swords. Once you\\ +As far as weapons, I would highly suggest you begin by using Sword Stance with long swords. Once you 
-are able to wield Desire, you should switch to Polearm Stance from that point forward.\\+are able to wield Desire, you should switch to Polearm Stance from that point forward.
-Stat priorities should be : STR, CON, WIS, DEX, in that order. Your abilities scale pretty well with STR\\ +Stat priorities should be : **STR****CON****WIS****DEX**, in that order.\\ 
-and it also gives you more attack_bonus. CON is essential for larger health pools. WIS will let you utilize\\ higher weapon skills and also increases heal_bonus. DEX increases defense_bonus.\\+  * Your abilities scale pretty well with **STR** and it also gives you more attack_bonus. 
 +  * **CON** is essential for larger health pools. 
 +  * **WIS** will let you utilize higher weapon skills and also increases heal_bonus. 
 +  * **DEX** increases defense_bonus.
-You will start to feel your GEXP gain and healing lag behind right before glvl 500. This is largely due\\ +You will start to feel your GEXP gain and healing lag behind right before glvl 500. This is largely due 
-to your gskills being capped at 100 until that point. After GLVL 500, you will see a real growth in\\ +to your gskills being capped at 100 until that point. After GLVL 500, you will see a real growth in 
-overall power. Because you can start to raise your Carnage skill again, you will see your GEXP rate grow\\ +overall power. Because you can start to raise your Carnage skill again, you will see your GEXP rate grow 
-once more.\\+once more.
 +=== SKILLS ===
 In this section, I will talk about individual abilities of the warrior. In this section, I will talk about individual abilities of the warrior.
-THRUST -- \\ +== THRUST == 
-        The main thing to know about this ability is that it scales pretty +The main thing to know about this ability is that it scales pretty well with Strength and Weapon Class. 
-        well with Strength and Weapon Class. The bleed bonus is actually +The bleed bonus is actually pretty minor compared to the main damage. Also, this ability will heal you 
-        pretty minor compared to the main damage. Also, this ability will +for a small amount if the target is bleeding.
-        heal you for a small amount if the target is bleeding.+
-        Later on, when you can stack up bleeds pretty well, this will heal +Later on, when you can stack up bleeds pretty well, this will heal and damage for quite a lot. 
-        and damage for quite a lot. It's better to hold this back as a heal +It's better to hold this back as a heal if you're in trouble, because it kind of competes with Thrash 
-        if you're in trouble, because it kind of competes with Thrash for +for your bleeds.
-        your bleeds+
-              +
-REAP -- \\ +
-        The big thing of note with this ability is that it hits all enemies in the +
-        room, even if you're not currently fighting them. In a lot of ways, this is +
-        similar to Fremen sandstorm. Reap will cause a bleed on all targets it hits +
-        and heal you for a small amount for each enemy hit.+
-THRASH -- \\ +== REAP == 
-        This is the big game changer for the Warrior. First of all, it does very +The big thing of note with this ability is that it hits all enemies in the room, even if you're not 
-        good damage and scales well with Strength and Weapon Class. The bleed rupture +currently fighting them. In a lot of ways, this is similar to Fremen sandstorm. Reap will cause a bleed 
-        does a percentage of the enemy's health in damage for each bleed ruptured. +on all targets it hits and heal you for a small amount for each enemy hit. 
-        On top of that, Thrash gives 100 gexp per use, whereas other abilities only + 
-        give 10+== THRASH == 
-           +This is the big game changer for the Warrior. First of all, it does very good damage and scales well with 
-REND --\\ +Strength and Weapon Class. The bleed rupture does a percentage of the enemy's health in damage for each 
-        Rend will double the bleeds on your target. You get this at glvl 500, the same +bleed ruptured. On top of that, Thrash gives 100 gexp per use, whereas other abilities only give 10.
-        time your gskills cap comes off. With a higher Carnage skill, the bleeds from +
-        Rend will last longer and do more damage. More bleeds also equates to more gexp +
-        gain and healing.+
-GLORY --\\ +== REND == 
-        Glory is a passive, activated buff that will nullify the first two incoming attacks +Rend will double the bleeds on your target. You get this at glvl 500, the same time your gskills cap comes off. 
-        per round and give a small life steal effect to your normal attacks. It will also +With a higher Carnage skill, the bleeds from Rend will last longer and do more damage. 
-        cause life steal and bleed over healing to build up a shield on you.+More bleeds also equates to more gexp gain and healing. 
 +== GLORY == 
 +Glory is a passive, activated buff that will nullify the first two incoming attacks per round and give a 
 +small life steal effect to your normal attacks. It will also cause life steal and bleed over healing to 
 +build up a shield on you.
- +When it comes to weapons, you really want weapons with the highest weapon class possible. Most of the 
-When it comes to weapons, you really want weapons with the highest weapon class possible. +abilities in this subguild scale with both STR and weapon class. Undoubtedly, Desire is the best weapon 
-Most of the abilities in this subguild scale with both STR and weapon class. Undoubtedly, +available for most of the game. It has a 77ish weapon class and generates a lot of procs (random occurrences 
-Desire is the best weapon available for most of the game. It has a 77ish weapon class and +programmed into the weapon).\\ 
-generates a lot of procs (random occurrences programmed into the weapon). It IS a unique +<del>It IS a unique so you may or may not have access to this weapon at all times.</del>\\ 
-so you may or may not have access to this weapon at all times. +<sup>Edit: It is not unique any more - Shippai</sup>\\
- +
-Once you have Desire, you want to ask an Honored Matres friend to fuse a red soostone to it. +
-The red soostone gives a +3 strength bonus to the weapon and adds another proc. Just be ready +
-to pay the Honored Matre because each soostone costs about 100,000 solaris to make. +
- +
-Some have asked me if Knife Stance is any good. There are a lot of very good daggers in the +
-game and it would seem like a decent option. The problem is with the stat bonuses. WIS, DEX, +
-and QUI do improve you a bit, but they are not primary stats. Also, keep in mind that +
-Polearm Stance gets an additional defense and counter attack. +
- +
-After playing for while, it's my strong opinion that Assess is the strongest corpse ability +Once you have Desire, you want to ask an Honored Matres friend to fuse red soostone to it. The red soostone 
-for Warriors, followed by SendoffWarriors scale really well with stat bonuses and don't +gives +3 strength bonus to the weapon and adds another procJust be ready to pay the Honored Matre because 
-rely on recharging energy between monsters. Assess does have cooldown, however, so you will +each soostone costs about 100,000 solaris to make.
-inevitably have to use a secondary corpse abilitySendoff is decent because it heals you.+
 +Some have asked me if Knife Stance is any good. There are a lot of very good daggers in the game and it would
 +seem like a decent option. The problem is with the stat bonuses. WIS, DEX, and QUI do improve you a bit,
 +but they are not primary stats. Also, keep in mind that Polearm Stance gets an additional defense and counter attack.
 +After playing for a while, it's my strong opinion that Assess is the strongest corpse ability for Warriors,
 +followed by Sendoff. Warriors scale really well with stat bonuses and don't rely on recharging energy between
 +monsters. Assess does have a cooldown, however, so you will inevitably have to use a secondary corpse ability.
 +Sendoff is decent because it heals you.