This is an old revision of the document!


Welcome to my corner of the wiki. I've been active on Dune on/off since around 2002, and a coder/wizard since ~2003. I've recently returned from a brief (8 year?) hiatus and have thrown myself into the thick of things helping keep this old boat out at sea.

These days when I'm not fixing bugs I tend to only work on backend/engine code and misc. server administration. New game content and balance decisions are not my cup of tea.

Current areas of work

Here are some things I have planned for the short term. These aren't listed by order of priority and I work on them as I feel the urge! Completed work is listed on a separate page

Server Updates
Project Description Status
OS Upgrade 20.04 LTS is getting long in the tooth (but still supported) TBD
Git hook Support for merging code in-game through Github Planning
Gamedriver Updates
Project Description Status
Lib Updates
GeoIP data Updating the Maxmind Country data for 'hearer country' TBD
Ban cmd Cleaning up name/IP bans TBD
Python dep updates Catching up dune python package's deps to latest TBD
GSGP leaderboards Leaderboard data for GameScry Game Protocol TBD
Native mode … ugh TBD
Wiki Updates
API for lib access adding a JSON API for use with in-game lib code TBD
In-game wiki content accessing wiki content in-game In-progress
GMCP docs describing the GMCP packages we support, other details In-progress
Mudlet Package
Initial PoC A proof of concept official Mudlet package/GUI for Dune. In-progress
Mapper support Working Mudlet GMCP mapper In-progress
Map data Pre-shared map data. TBD