–=–=–=–=–=–=–=–=–=–= Quest 42 Mentat Challenge I –=–=–=–=–=–=–=–=–=–=

  ID:             sokoban
  Points:         10
  Planet:         Tleilax
  The Sokoban Tower has recently landed on Tleilax, and is daring people to
  defeat it. Ten difficult, challenging floors of this interesting puzzle game
  await you. Dare you challenge it?

Sokoban Tower

It's southwest of Tleilax AP.

There's two ways to approach this monstrosity.

  1. Do it on your own and lose your mind.
  2. Get yourself a Sokoban solver program.

I used Takaken's solver plugin. Looks to me like every level in Dune comes from the Xsokoban level package. Translating the often 1000+ move solutions into your client of choice is a small exercise in scripting.

Sample Levels

        ##    ##    ########
##########  []##[]  ##    ####
##<><>  ##    ##    ##      ##
##<><>  ##  []##[]  ##    []########
##<>    ##          ##[]    ##    ##
##<><>      []##    ##  []        ##
##<><>oO##    ##[]  ##[]    ##    ##
##<><>  ##  []##          []##    ##
##<><>  ##    ##[][]##[]    ##    ####
##<><>  ##  []##    ##    []##[]    ##
##<><>  ##    ##    ##      ##      ##
####<>  ########    ##########      ##
  ########    ########      ##########

##      ####
##        ##    ########
##  []    ########    ##
##    [][]  []      []##
######oO  ##[]        ####
  ##    ####    []  []  ####
  ##  []    ####  ####  <>##
  ##    ##[]####[]    ##<>##
  ######      []<><>####<>##
    ##        ##<>[]<><><>##
    ##  [][]  ##<><><><><>##
    ##    ##################
    ##    ##

    ##########    ##
  ####          []##
####  []    ####  ######
##oO[]  []  ##  []    ##
########  ####      []##
  ##<><><><>##[]  []  ##
  ##<><><><>##      []##
  ##<><><><>    [][]  ####
  ##<><><>  ##  []      ##
  ############[]  []    ##
            ##      ######
            ##[]  ######
            ##    ##
    ######      ######
        ##      ##
############  ############
##                      ##
##  []  []  []  []  []  ##
####  []  []  []  []  ####
  ##[]  []  []  []  []##
  ##      []oO[]      ##
  ##    ##########    ##
  ########      ########

##<><><><><><><><><><>    <>########
##<><><><><><><><><><>[][]<>##    ##
######################[]  ##      ####
##            []    []          []  ##
####  ########      ##    []  ##    ##
##            ##      ####    ##  ####
##    []##    ##  ####    ######  ####
##  []  ##[]######        ######  ####
######    []  ##    ##    ######  ####
######        []  ####  ##    ##  ####
  ##  []    ##    []    []  []      ##
  ##    []    []##[][][]    ##      ##
  ##    ##    []            ##########
  ##  oO####    ##    ##    ##

                    ####      ####
                  ####          ##
                ####    [][]    ##
              ####  [][]    []  ##
              ##  []        []  ##
########      ##      [][]  ##########
##    ################  ####        ##
##<>                        [][][]oO##
##<>##  ##############  ####      ####
##<>##  ##############<>  ##[]  []####
##<><><><><><><><><><><>  ##        ##
############################    []  ##
                          ####    ####

########################  ############
##      ##        ##  ######<><><><>##
##      [][]##      oO    <><><><><>##
##      ##  ######      ##  <><><><>##
####  ####  ######    ##    <><><><>##
  ##  []  []          ##  ##  ########
  ##    []  []####    ##            ##
########  ##    ########  ##  ####  ##
##    ##  ##[]      ####  ##        ##
##  []    []    ##  ####  ##      ####
##  ##  []  []        ##  ##      ##
##    []  ####  ####  ##  ##########
##  [][]          [][]    ##
####  ####  ######  []    ##
  ##        ##  ##        ##
  ############  ############