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 More information on using the TLS port to connect securely is [[security|available on the wiki]]. More information on using the TLS port to connect securely is [[security|available on the wiki]].
 +If you require a password reset, log in as ''guest'' and ask an admin for help.
 ===== Discord ===== ===== Discord =====
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 ^ Date ^ Update ^ ^ Date ^ Update ^
-| Dec 23rd2023 | The Holiday spirit has reached ArrakisMonsters have holiday namestokens are plentiful, and rare presents may be foundHo ho ho! | +| Dec 31st2024 | The 2024 Damage Competition is overCongrats to TazeMoonraker, and Demona for taking top 3See in-game news for more detail. | 
-| Oct 23rd, 2023 | Halloween is here and for a limited time only Dune has been taken over by spooky monsters dropping special surprises. | +Dec 19th2024 DuneMUD Damage Competition 2024.  Go 'up' from Chapterhouse AP and do your bestIt will close on December 31st. | 
-Oct 14th2023 The Fremen thumper and maker hooks have been fixed, allowing worm riding once moreSee in-game guild news for more information. | +Dec 9th2024 New "autocommand implant for IMG guild members. See 'ihelp auto' for more details. | 
-Sep. 172023 The Honored Matres guild shop has a new "training cuffsitem available for purchase. See in-game guild news for more information. | +Nov 24th2024 Festivities have begun for (American) Thanksgiving here on Dune!  
-June 14th2023 The ''skillcheck'' command can now calculate how much exp is required to advance a given skill to a specified level. See ''help skillcheck''+Oct 12th2024 Our scheduled maintenance has completed, and Dune now supports telnet EOR
-May 30th2023 The Fremen ''train'' command has been reworked and now has the potential to give both parties an exp boostSee ''fhelp train''. | +| April 21st, 2024 | MUD skill data is now being sent via GMCP under the key ''Char.Skills''. | 
-May 29th2023 Emoji support has been extended to pretitles. The wiki has been updated to the latest version. | +April 11th2024 | The Tleilaxu guild damage reduction has been reworked for consistency. | 
-May 27th2023 Dune has upgraded to LDMud 3.6.6, added emoji support to channels, and rolled out many GMCP improvements.  See in-game news for details. | +April 4th2024 The 2024 DuneMUD easter egg hunt has endedCongrats to House Atreides and the other winners. | 
-May 19th2023 Dune is now listed on [[https://game-scry.online/game/dunemud|GameScry]]. If you create an account you can 'Upvoteour listing to help attract more players. |  +Mar 30th2024 It is now possible to opt out of getting parts/slag from mechanical corpsesSee 'help salvagefor more details. | 
-May 17th2023 In-game news posts are now also echoed to the Discord [[https://discord.com/channels/411385767106183169/600530214036045828|#mud-updates]] channel. | +Mar 29th2024 The annual DuneMUD easter egg hunt is underway. Prizes will be given to the individuals and guilds with the most eggs. | 
-May 17th2023 The IMG and Bene Gesserit guilds have received minor upgrades. See guild news in-game for more detail. |+Mar 27th2024 You may now specify the number of sockets (up to 3) on pieces of gear you print from a guild armoury. See in-game news for details. | 
 See the [[archive:old_news|Old DuneMUD News]] page for archived items. See the [[archive:old_news|Old DuneMUD News]] page for archived items.